Structure of the Governing Body
At Castle Hill Infant School, the Governing Body consists of:
- Two parent governors, preferably elected
- The Headteacher,
- Staff governor, elected
- One local authority governor, nominated by the local authority and appointed by the governing body
- These five members can co-opt a further seven governors who have the required skills to assist the governing body carry out their statutory role
- The governing body can also appoint associate governors who can also be granted voting rights at its discretion
- These governors are all volunteers who undertake training to develop further their individual skills and understanding of their statutory roles and responsibilities.
If you wish to contact the governing body, please do so via the school, for the attention of the Chair of Governors, or you can e-mail direct at:
Role of the Governing Body
- The governing body has a strategic role and does not get involved in the day-to-day running of the school (operational), which is the responsibility of the Headteacher
- It operates and makes decisions in the best interests of the school and in line with its strategic priorities, including in relation to school finances
- As the strategic lead for the school, it is vital that the board understands, and engages with the communities it serves
The board, with advice from its Clerk, is also responsible for ensuring legal and regulatory compliance across a range of areas, including:
- The School Governance
- Education and equalities laws;
- Safeguarding;
- Health and safety
- Information management and employment law
- Has regard for the need for the Headteacher and teachers in Castle Hill Infant School to be able to achieve a satisfactory work life balance, and, through the governing body’s strategic role, provides support and challenge to help reduce unnecessary burdens
The full governing body meets six times a year, one of these meetings is dedicated to training. Some of the work is carried our by committees or governors with individual responsibilities who report back to the full governing body;
- The finance committee which meets five times a year
- The curriculum committee which meets once a term i.e. 3 times a year
- The pay committee which meets once during the Autumn Term and once in the Spring Term
- Governors also visit the school and talk to staff, children and parents
Further information about members and their roles together with dates of meetings, governors’ attendance, and minutes can be found by clicking below.