
We have curriculum values at the heart of our planning. 

Our values are:

  • Independence
  • Interdependence
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Spirituality
  • Creativity
  • Thinking

We believe that children's learning should be vivid and real, exciting and enjoyable, presented in such a way that they can ALL participate in their learning. We want children to generate ideas and to be recognised and rewarded for doing so.

We are certain and optimistic about the capabilities of our children, and believe that EVERY child can improve, succeed and become what they want to be.

We believe:

  • In upholding our core curriculum values of Independence, Emotional Intelligence, Spirituality, Interdependence, Creativity and Thinking
  • That every child should have the opportunity to develop and realise his or her true potential (Article 29: The right to become the best that you can)
  • Rights Respecting Education (RRE) must be embedded throughout the curriculum
  • Each child has the right to learn and each teacher the right to teach (Article 28: The right to learn and to go to school)
  • All children should be valued equally, irrespective of their gender, race, religion or abilities
  • All children learn best when activities are well matched to their abilities and understanding
  • All children should be encouraged and helped to develop lively, enquiring minds, to question and to apply themselves to tasks and physical skills
  • All children should be enabled to acquire understanding, knowledge and skills relevant to the next stages of their childhood and their eventual journey into adult life and employment in the fast-changing world
  • All children should be able to meet challenges that help them achieve their best
  • Every child matters; every lesson counts

About Our Curriculum

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Early Years:

In Early Years all children are taught in accordance with the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum in the following areas:

The 3 prime areas are:

  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development
  • Communication and Language
  • Physical Development

The 4 specific areas are:

  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding the World
  • Expressive Arts and Design

A strong emphasis is placed on child initiated learning through the importance of play to reinforce all areas of learning.  We believe that role-play and drama have a significant and positive impact on children’s learning and this is, therefore, included regularly in the teaching of the Early Years subjects.  (Article 31:  The right to relax and play)

For more details on the EYFS please click on this link directing you to the Department for Education.

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Key Stage 1:

We aim to ensure that every child is confident, successful and responsible whilst developing independent thinking skills and creativity.

In Years 1 and 2, subjects are taught in accordance with the Primary National Curriculum as follows: -

  • English
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Design and Technology
  • Computing
  • History
  • Geography
  • Art and Design
  • Music
  • Physical Education
  • R.E.

Each of these subjects is covered by a separate Curriculum Subject Policy which is available from the school office on request.

In KS1 we have an exciting integrated curriculum which engages our children, promoting independent learning both inside and outside of school.  Each topic integrates three main curriculum subjects and applies skills from a further two which encourages children to make connections in their learning.

We follow the National Curriculum 2014 covering the statutory subjects through inspiring and exciting topics.  For more detail on the National Curriculum 2014 please click on the link below directing you to the Department for Education website.

Other Key Elements

Other activities outside the National Curriculum are essential to provide a broad and balanced education for all children and form an integral part of the curriculum at Castle Hill Infant School.  These include:

  • Health, nutrition and personal safety (PSHE)
  • Emotional development and social skills
  • Independence and responsibility

Reading and Phonics:

At Castle Hill Infant School we use Essential Letters and Sounds in Early Years and Year 1.  This has been introduced this academic year. The children in Year 2 have used LCP Phonics through-out their time at school.  We do not follow one reading scheme but use a wide range of materials.  Books are always matched to the children's phonic knowledge. 


RE is taught in Years R, 1 and 2.  At Castle Hill Infant School we study Christianity and Hinduism.  All work is planned using the document Living Difference IV, the Hampshire Syllabus.  

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